Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sentimental Sunday: Birthday Party for Lena Yeager

On August 13, 1961, the family of Lena Yeager celebrated her 80th birthday. Though many photos were taken on this day, I was only able to track down a few. In the collage are pictured:

Top left: Lena Yeager with her children, Norma Gruhlke, Emma Orshoski, Dorothy Orshoski, and Fred Yeager. (Emma and Dorothy married brothers!)

Top right: Lena Yeager, Steve and Emma Orshoski; Lena's grandson Paul Orshoski is standing next to his sons Paul,Jr. and Todd; Steve Orshoski is holding granddaughters Sue and Robin Orshoski; Don Orshoski is holding his daughter Debbie.

Bottom left: Norma and Leonard Gruhlke are pictured with Norma's daugher and son in law, Norma Jean and Denny Kurtz and their two children

Bottom right: Dorene is standing in front of her great grandmother Lena Yeager, grandmother Emma Yeager Orshoski, and father Paul Orshoski, Sr.

(*Note: A slightly altered version of the above image appeared in an earlier blog post. )

A small newspaper article about the family gathering appeared in the August 16 issue of the Sandusky Register. Lena Yeager lived seventeen more years after this party. She is buried next to her husband Andrew at Union Corners Cemetery.In her later years, when her vision was impaired, Grandma Yeager would often be found siting quietly in her chair, with her hands folded. Lena Piehl Yeager lived a full life filled with a lot of hard work, good times and sad times, and over ninety years worth of memories.

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