Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: Make Your Own Poster

Randy at Genea-Musings posted this mission for tonight's Saturday Night Genealogy Fun:

Go to the website and explore their FREE offerings. Click on the "Create" button, or choose to make a slideshow or posters from their main page (there are more than one screen of poster backgrounds)

Here are my creations:

1. I am still trying to locate my Irish ancestors' homeland.

2. Many thanks to my Great Grandma Ada Steen Parker for instilling the "family tree" bug in Mom, which was then passed down to me. What a wonderful gift!

3. Thanks to my Mom and siblings for making the O-lympics, a family fun night last winter, filled with Orshoski family members, so memorable!


  1. These were great! I really like the puzzle one. I didn't see that ... will need to go back and check it out.

  2. Dorene,

    I love the Christmas ornament! I want to make some for my tree this year.
