Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sentimental Sunday: Grandma Irene's Aparment Building

My great grandmother Irene Larkins Risko lived at 146 East Market Street in the early 1950's. She was within easy walking distance of grocery stores, drugstores, dress and hat shops, the post office, the courthouse, and the ferry boats to Cedar Point.

Gram Irene
had a good friend, Millie, who lived in the same building, and she also got to know a young married couple very well. She was known for inviting guests in for cake and coffee, after supper dishes were done. Grandma loved to go downtown to the city parks in Sandusky, which were, and still are, filled with lovely floral mounds and decorative plants.

When her great grandson, Paul Orshoski, Jr., was christened, Grandma Irene hosted the christening supper at her apartment at 146 East Market Street in Sandusky.

On the north side of East Market Street, not far from my great grandmother's old apartment building, is a marker which commemorates the birthplace of Jay Cooke, financier of the Civil War, and the son of Sandusky's first lawyer, Eleutheros Cooke.

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