Friday, July 30, 2010

Samuel D. Isaly Library of the Ohio Genealogical Society is Now Open

A recent news article from WMFD News in Mansfield reported tha tmore than 300 people attended a ribbon cutting ceremony Friday for the grand opening of the Samuel D. Isaly Library of the Ohio Genealogical Society. The new facility is located at 611 State Route 97 West in Bellville, Ohio and was named after Samuel D. Isaly in honor of his generous donation to the Ohio Genealogical Society Building Fund.

The library has much more room than the previous facility, and features individual study carrels, and a computer lab.

While I did not make the ribbon cutting ceremony held on July 23, 2010, when I stopped by the Samuel D. Isaly Library of the OGS today, I was still able to obtain a program and blue ribbon from the Grand Opening ceremony.

Pictured below are some books pertaining to Erie County, Ohio, in the stacks of the new library.

Now I can hardly wait till I have a free day to devote to several hours of research at this outstanding new facility!

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