Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bernard Lodick

Bernard Lodick was born in West Meath, Ireland to Charles and Bridget Lodick in 1836. He came to Sandusky in 1850. Bernard Lodick married Jane McManus in 1873. Sadly, she died in 1878, when her only child, Mary Elizabeth, was just seven years of age.

For many years, Bernard Lodick was a carriage manufacturer at the corner of Jackson and Washington Streets in downtown Sandusky. (Later this location would be home to the Post Office, and now is the site of the Merry Go Round Museum.) His name appears below in the 1867 Sandusky City Directory, published by M. T. McKelvey, and available full text at the Internet Archive.

Bernard Lodick passed away on July 10, 1914 at the home of his niece, Mrs. John J. O'Reilly, on Shelby Street in Sandusky. His funeral was held at the home of his niece, and burial was in St. Joseph's Cemetery. An obituary for Bernard Lodick appeared in the July 11, 1914 issue of the Sandusky Register. Mr. Lodick was survived by his daughter, who was now known as Sister Antonius at the Mount de Chantel Academy in West Virginia.

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