Saturday, June 19, 2010

Watson Hubbard Butler

Watson Hubbard Butler, born November 19, 1874, was the son of Jay Caldwell Butler and Elizabeth Hubbard Butler. Watson's father was Captain of Company B, 101st Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War. Watson's mother was the daughter of Watson Hubbard, a Sandusky business man who had lumber businesses in Michigan and in Sandusky. Watson Hubbard Butler was named for his maternal grandfather.

In 1930, Watson Hubbard Butler had his father's Civil War letters published privately. The book was entitled LETTERS HOME.For many years, Watson Hubbard Butler was the president of the Percheron Society of America. Mr. Butler had a large stock farm on South Hayes Avenue in Erie County, before he moved to Franklin County, Ohio. His farm near Columbus was called Woodside Farms. Watson H. Butler was always a lover of horses, according to his obituary found in the 1944 OBITUARY NOTEBOOK at the Sandusky Library. One of the horses owned by Butler was "Sir Laet."

Watson Hubbard Butler passed away on July 19, 1944, in Blendon Township, Franklin County, Ohio. His daughter Anne Hubbard Butler had died before him in 1926. (Anne was the daughter of Watson H. Butler and his first wife, the former Susan Quay.) Mr. Butler was survived by his wife Miriam C. Butler of Columbus and a daughter Elizabeth H. Butler, from a former marriage.He was buried in the family lot at Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery.

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