Sunday, June 13, 2010

Singler Family Lot at St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery

The Singler family lot is in Section H of St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery on Mills Street in Sandusky, Ohio. The base of the main monument features a lovely angel, and the surname SINGLER on the base of the monument. Behind the angel are individual tombstones for Albert R. Singler (1861-1936), Amelia Singler (1866-1919) and Cyril Singler (1887-1911). Albert and Amelia's stones also bear the inscription Father and Mother on their stones.

Beside the angel are tombstones for two more family members, Milton Singler (1899-1900)and Albert Singler (1892-1893.) We know the maker of this monument, as the inscription C. Keim appears at the bottom right of the base of the monument. Conrad Keim was a stone carver in Sandusky for many years.

The father of the family, Albert R. Singler, died in Fremont on May 20, 1936. His obituary is located in the 1936 OBITUARY NOTEBOOK at the Sandusky Library. From his obituary, we learn that Mr. A. R. Singler was widely known in the bakery business in Sandusky. His bakery was located in the old Kanzler bakery location on Water Street.

Mrs. Amelia Singler, nee Amelia Kanzler, had preceded her husband in death in 1919. At the time of his death, Albert R. Singler was survived by five daughters, Mrs. Herman Welker, Sister Mary Catherine (the former Miss Juanita Singler), Mrs. Howard L. Magers, Mrs. Frank Link, and Mrs Clarence Hepp; a son, Lamont R. Singler, ten grandchildren, and a brother, Joseph A. Singler. The funeral mass for Albert R. Singler was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Link, with family friend the Rev. Father A. J. Bishop officiating. The sermon was given by Rev. Father Carl Reineck of Toledo. Prior to the funeral, services were also conducted by the courts of Catholic Order Foresters and the Knights of Columbus. Though Mr. and Mrs. Singler, and their three young children have been gone for many years, this lovely family lot helps keep their memory alive.

1 comment:

  1. Dorene, contact me at that email addy on my blog, lets have a chat. One of the cemeteries I am helping on right now is Weston.
