Monday, June 7, 2010

Graveyard Rabbit Scavenger Hunt

Images taken at cemeteries in the Sandusky Bay Area:

The Graveyard Rabbit Carnival for July 2010 called for a Scavenger Hunt. Above are my finds from cemeteries in the Sandusky Bay area. Represented in the photos above are:

Cross, Heart
Monument, Flower
Angel, Bird (look above the Kob tombstone)
Obelisk, Lamb (four legged animal)
Photo, Military
Mausoleum, Hand and I.O.O.F. symbol are on the same stone

Thanks for the fun challenge!


  1. Great photos! I love the Angel!

  2. Thanks so much Harriet!

    That angel at St. Mary's Cemetery fell down during some severe May thunderstorms. I was so
    happy to see it restored quickly by the cemetery staff! (I do not think that Mr. Riefer had any descendants.)

  3. I am always looking for the tree tombstones; however, I think my favorite is Faith Darla Miller and her photograph.

  4. I think Faith was dearly loved by her family!
