Monday, June 21, 2010

F. Edward Cripps

F. Edward Cripps is buried at the St. Paul Catholic Cemetery in Norwalk, Ohio. He was born on November 13, 1886 to Englebert and Gertrude Weidinger Cripps. Edward who was a well known athlete in the Norwalk area, died on June 21, 1910.

He was with a group of college friends in the summer of 1910, near Ceylon Junction. The Sandusky Register of June 22, 1910 reports that Edward Cripps, Arthur Hinaman, Miss Margaret Senhauser, and Miss Josephine Smith had gone to Old Woman's Creek for water lillies. On the return trip, the canoe in which they were traveling capsized. Arthur Hinaman assisted Josephine Smith to safety. Edward Cripps was attempting to take Margaret Senhauser to safety. Mr. Hinaman went to their assistance. After he took hold of Miss Smith, Edward Cripps sank to the bottom of the lake. It is thought that Edward Cripps may have been exhausted in his efforts to save the others after their canoe capsized.

The June 26, 1910 issue of the Sandusky Register reported that the funeral services for Edward Cripps were held at St. Paul's German Catholic Church in Norwalk. "The church was crowded to the doors with relatives and mourning friends. The floral offerings were among the most numerous and beautiful ever seen in the city...The whole city mourns his untimely death."

A painting of F. Edward Cripps, painted by Charles Courtney Curran, is on display at the Norwalk Public Library.

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