Thursday, June 10, 2010

Carrie Lea Marsh

Caroline M. Lea was the daughter of James Davis Lea and Caroline Mackey Lea. Mr. Lea was associated with the lumber business in Sandusky. Known as Carrie, Caroline M.Lea married Edward H. Marsh in 1879. The newly married couple lived in a lovely home at the corner of Washington and Franklin Streets in Sandusky. Edward was in the gypsum business with his father, and Carrie taught Sunday School at St. Lukes, a chapel of the Grace Episcopal Church in Sandusky.

Sadly, Carrie Lea Marsh died in 1885, leaving two young children, Edward Lea Marsh and a baby named Caroline Marsh. In honor of her faithfulness in teaching Sunday School, after Mrs. Marsh’s death, a fund was designated for the purchase of a bell.

This bell is now located just outside the side door of Grace Episcopal Church, in memory of Carrie Lea Marsh.

Edward H. Marsh never married again, after losing his young wife. He was a successful businessman, and also was a personal friend of William Howard Taft. When the future President Taft was campaigning in Ohio, he visited E. H. Marsh at his Sandusky home.

Edward H. Marsh and Carrie Lea Marsh are buried in Section 4-B of Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery.


  1. I believe Carrie Lea Marsh is my great great grandmother

  2. She was quite a beloved lady in her home town!

  3. Go to this url to see several other Marsh family members in Sandusky:
