Friday, April 30, 2010

Patrick Larkins

Patrick Larkins (sometimes spelled Larkin) was born about 1827 in Ireland. He and his father came to America about 1830. After living first in Connecticut, they finally settled in Erie County, Ohio sometime before 1850. In the 1850 U.S. Census, Patrick is living in Perkins Township of Erie County. Daniel, the father of the family, listed his occupation as farmer. Johanna is Daniel's wife at this time, but Patrick may have been born in a previous marriage of Daniel. Patrick's age is given as 20 in this census. Also in the family are children named: Margaret, James, Daniel, Johanna, and Gregory.

In December of 1856, Patrick Larkins married Bridget Ryan. This marriage is recorded in the church records of the Toledo, Ohio Diocese, available at Family Search Labs. The minister was Rev. A. Caron. Here Patrick's surname is spelled yet another way, Largons.

Patrick and Bridget had several children: Daniel, Ellen, John, Thomas, Mary (known as Mollie), William, and Katherine, whose nickname was "Kit." Patrick worked as an engineer on the Mad River Railroad, and later was a foreman at Hubbard's lumber yard in Sandusky. During the Civil War, Patrick Larkins served in Company K of the 19th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. On July 21, 1892, Patrick Larkins died in Sandusky. A descendant of the Larkins family transcribed his obituary which appeared in the July 23, 1892 issue of the Sandusky Register. Patrick Larkins is buried in the St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery in Sandusky, Ohio.

While no visible tombstone remains, Bridget Larkins, the wife of Patrick, had died on July 2, 1890. Her obituary appeared in the July 4, 1890 issue of the Sandusky Register.

A host of Larkins descendants are still living in the U.S. today, many of whom have a wonderful sense of Irish wit and humor.

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