Sunday, April 25, 2010

Charles Steen Wanted to Move West!

In the March 5, 1875 issue of the Sandusky Register, is a small article which tells of the wedding of Sarah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Milner, and Charles Steen (his last name is spelled incorrectly as Stein in the article.)

The wedding took place on March 3, 1875, at the Milner residence, with the Rev. Mr. Wager officiating. The guests had an elegant supper after the wedding ceremony. The article reported that Mr. Charles Steen had been residing in Lone Tree, Nebraska. The article continues, referring to the bridegroom, "He has shown his good sense in returning to the home of his boyhood to find his wife, and the people of Perkins will bear us out in saying he has chosen well. The kind wishes of many friends will go with Mr. and Mrs. Stein (sic) to their future home in the Far West."

It may have been the intention of Charles Steen to move back to Nebraska, but he and his bride Sarah lived in Erie County, Ohio for the rest of their lives. They were very active in the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Perkins Grange, and farmed land in Perkins Township for many years. They had a family of four children, Harry, who died young, twins Ada and Alpha, and another son named Rollin Steen.


  1. Love the family photo. For some reason, I'm captivated by the young boy.

  2. Thanks so much! The twins' older brother Harry had died as a youngster, so I think little brother Rollin was very special to his family! He grew up to be a teacher.
