Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dancing at Wedding Receptions

My earliest memories of my family members dancing are from wedding receptions. Pictured to the left are Nick Orshoski, dancing with his nephew Paul's wife Joyce at the wedding of Cliff Orshoski and Barbara Lindsley, on April 7, 1956.

Besides the typical romantic "slow dances" at the wedding receptions we attended, there were often polkas and square dances. A dance that included even the very youngest children was the "Bunny Hop." Many times the disc jockey would invite the gentlemen at the reception to pay a dollar to dance with the new bride.

I do not recall whose wedding we attended, but the day after the wedding reception, my brother, sister, cousin Paula, and I practiced dancing, so we would be ready for the next big family affair.

Sadly, I do not have a photograph to mark the occasion, but my father and I attended several Father-Daughter Dances held for the Sandusky and Castalia area Brownies and Girl Scouts. The Father-Daughter Dance was usually held in February. Since my dad loved to dance, he volunteered to not only escort me, but he also danced with any of the Girl Scouts whose fathers were working, or could not attend the dance for some reason. After the dance, we usually got ice cream to top off the lovely evening of dancing. Thanks for the memories Dad!


  1. Nice post. Lovely, isn't it, how many memories we all have tied to such a simple thing as dancing!

  2. Those times when everyone in the family danced, mom, dads, teeners, kids, and grandma and grandpa --- they were so precieous. Thanks for reminding me of those days.

  3. I had completely forgotten about the father daughter dance Dad and I went to when I was in Camp Fire Girls!! I'm thinking that was the first "real" dance I danced.

    Thank you so much for reviving the memory!

  4. There are not too many photos in my family albums of folks dancing, other than a few of the recitals that I was in. I love the one of yours featuring children. Hope you're still dancin'.

  5. Well, still mostly just at wedding receptions! :)
