Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sentimental Sunday: Letters to Santa in 1916

Three letters to Santa appear on page 13 of the December 18, 1916 issue of the Sandusky Star Journal. (The image above is a newspaper ad from the Herb & Myers store in Sandusky.) The Yeager children, Emma, age 10; Andrew, age 8; and Norma, age 6; were all the children of Andrew and Lena Piehl Yeager, who were living in Oak Harbor, Ottawa County, Ohio in 1916.

From family stories that have been passed down, the Yeager family lived very modestly, so I am not sure if all the childrens' wishes from Santa were granted. Below is a photo of the Andrew Yeager family about 1918.

Here is an image of the Yeager family which has the names of the individual family members listed. I don't see the oldest son, Fred in this picture.

I remember Great Grandma Yeager,my paternal grandmother Emma, my Great Aunt Norma, and Great Aunt Dorothy very well. If only I had asked them more family history questions!


  1. Love this post. Ah, to live in simpler times!

  2. They really simpler times back then!Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Oranges were a real treasure back then. I can remember my Mom saying that getting an orange in her stocking was a real treat. Loved your post....newspapers article and photos.

  4. What a special treasure you have!

  5. Through the blessings of my extended family, I have copies of a lot of wonderful family photos and is so interesting to me to learn about those who have gone before my generation!

    Happy holidays, fellow genealogy bloggers!
