Friday, January 15, 2010

Peter Bruckner

According to the 1880 U.S. Census for Erie County, Ohio, Peter Bruckner was born in 1849 in Baden. His wife, Alice Elizabeth (called Lizzie in the 1880 Census, was born in Hesse about 1850. Their children were: George, John, Lizzie, and Cora.

On January 17, 1900, Peter Bruckner died in a fatal accident. He was working for contractor George Feick, in tearing down a building at the old Hodgman factory on the east side of Sandusky. Large pieces of a stone wall fell on Mr. Bruckner.Several workers dug Peter out of the debris, but he died before medical help arrived. Funeral services for Peter Bruckner were held at the family home at 913 Franklin Street. Burial was at Oakland Cemetery. Pallbearers were lodge members from the Knights of the Maccabees. They were: George H. Smith, H. J. Rudolph, John Miller, Charles Metzger, Conrad Market and Louis Ley.

A touching tribute to Peter Bruckner appeared in the September 25, 1900 issue of the Sandusky Register:


Dear uncle has gone to dwell
With him who gave,
Another quiet happy home
Is shadowed by the grave.

God needed one more angel there
Amid his shining land.
And so he bent with loving care
And clasped our uncle's hand.

We'll miss him when the winter's wind
The leafless branches wave,
And winter's icy, gleaming snow,
Drifts o'er his silent grave.

We'll miss him at the fireside,
We'll miss him at his home,
We'll miss him everywhere we go,
No matter where we roam.

He's sleeping now the sleep of Death
Within the silent grave.
Peaceful be his quiet rest
From life's tumultous wave.

It was a kindly father's hand
Which led him from earth's strife,
But not the wall which quickly fell
Upon dear uncle's life.

Then weep not for the blighted flower
Whom every one has loved.
But think of what a happy home
Dear uncle has above.

The angels in that shining world
Have twined for him a wreath.
He waits for us upon the shore
Beyond the wave of death.

His niece, K.M.S.

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