Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy 101 Award

Today the Graveyard Rabbit of Sandusky Bay received the "Happy 101 Award" from Becky at Grace and Glory. Thanks so much Becky! When one is given this award, the recipient then is to:

1. list 10 things that make him/her happy

and also

2. list 10 blogs to which this award is passed on.

Ten things that make me happy include:

1. Spending time with my children and grandchildren

2. Going on day trips with my husband

3. Seeing a movie with the girls from work

4. Helping library patrons find the answers to their questions

5. Seeing my many nieces and nephews at family gatherings

6. Hearing my siblings talk about their memories of our dad

7. Listening to my mom share her childhood memories

8. Visiting the Marblehead Lighthouse or the R. B. Hayes Presidential Center

9. Going to cemeteries, and learning more about the people who are buried there

10. Remembering the many conversations shared with my 96 year old neighbor, and the infinite wisdom she imparted.

I would now like to pass on the "Happy 101 Award" to these ten bloggers:

In Deeds
Dr. Bill Tells Ancestor Stories
Saturday's Child
The Graveyard Detective
Untangled Family Roots
The Ties That Bind
Greta's Genealogy Bog
Genealogy Fun
Cemeteries and Cemetery Symbols

Have fun visiting these blogs! And happy hunting in your family tree research!


  1. Thank you so much for the award. This is one that will make me think!

  2. Thanks so much for the award. I'll have to think, it will be hard to pick 10.

  3. Thanks Dorene for the Happy 101 award at my "In Deeds" blog.


  4. Thank you for the award Dorene. We northern Ohio gals need to stick together.....and during this winter....stay warm!
