Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Martin and Louisa Eldis

According to THE HISTORY OF ERIE COUNTY, edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich, Martin Eldis settled in Portland Township, Sandusky, and opened a bakery and provision store on Water Street in the Spring of 1828. He was born at Munster, St. Gregorienthal, Elsass, January 4, 1798, and emigrated to America in 1817. He was married in 1827 to Louise Guckenberger, at Cincinnati, 0hio. Mr. Eldis died on November 28, 1852, "leaving to his wife and children an abundant share of earthly goods."

Aldrich's History continues, in reference to Mrs. Eldis: "We were not welcomed. On our arrival sixty years ago, we were advised to better move on ; if it had not have been for the steamboat trade," she continued, " we never could have made a living in the first year or two. By and by though, the inborn element became more friendly to us, and learned to respect our ways. For nearly four years we were the only German family in this hamlet, and in all probability in the county."

As time went on, many persons of German descent did live happily in Sandusky and Erie County. They became a vital part of the churches, businesses, and culture of Erie County. Martin Eldis and Louise Guckenberger Eldis are buried in Oakland Cemetery.

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