Monday, October 12, 2009

Edward C. Veecher, Sandusky barber

Edward C. Veecher was born about 1853, the son of Richard and Martha Anna Veecher. Marriage records from Erie County, Ohio Probate Court list April 2, 1879 as the date that Edward C. Veecher married Frankie L. Beckly. Edward's occupation in the 1880 Erie County U.S. Census was given as barber. Having been married only a year and a half, Edward Veecher died on October 12, 1880. According to his obituary from the October 14, 1880 issue of the Sandusky Register, his funeral was held at his residence on Neil Street on October 14. Edward C. Veecher is buried in Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. On his tombstone is a pair of clasped hands,which can symbolize the welcoming of a soul to Heaven.

We read in Hewson L. Peeke's A STANDARD HISTORY OF ERIE COUNTY,OHIO, that Edward's father, Richard Veecher, was born into slavery in Kentucky. Richard fled to Ohio, where he found employment. He saved up enough money to purchase his wife and children, and the whole family was together in Ohio by 1848. Edward Veecher was born a free person, in 1853. He had such a rich family heritage, and a devoted father. It is sad that his life ended at such a young age.

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