Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lindsey and Mary Ann Young House

The article below, from the August 23, 1911 issue of the Sandusky Register,reports on the reunion of the House and Young families, held at the home of George B. Parker. Mrs. Marian Parker was the daughter of Lindsey House and Mary Ann Young House. (The article mistakenly lists Youngs as the surname instead of Young.)Attendees were descendants of Lindsey House and Mary Ann Young House.

The following biographical sketch of Lindsey House, son of Julius House and Mrs. House, the former Percy Taylor, appears in A STANDARD HISTORY OF ERIE COUNTY, OHIO, by Hewson L. Peeke:

Lindsey House was born in Glastonbury, Connecticut, and was about three years of age when brought to Erie County, Ohio, by his father, Julius House. His education was limited to such advantages as were offered by the country schools of his day, and when he reached manhood he entered upon a career of his own in agriculture. The remaining years of his active life were passed in agricultural pursuits, and he was so successful in his operations that he was able to retire a number of years before his death, which occurred in his eighty-sixth year. He was not a seeker for political preferment, preferring the peaceful vocations of his farm to the activities of public life, but was nevertheless a man of influence in his community and a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Edward Hudson Young wrote in OUR YOUNG FAMILY IN AMERICA, available fulltext at Heritage Quest, that Lindsey House married Mary Ann Young, on December 25, 1841.Lindsey and Mary Ann were the parents of nine children, including: Althea, Laura, Julius, Harriet, Elmina, Marian, Isabel, Lewis, and Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey House celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary in Perkins Township in December of 1891.

The following obituary was carried by the Sandusky Register on June 26, 1894.

Mrs. Mary Ann House died on February 9, 1902 at Perkins, Ohio and was buried there, according to OUR YOUNG FAMILY IN AMERICA. In 2009, no tombstone or cemetery record has been found for Lindsey and Mary Ann House, though they were most likely buried in the Old Perkins Cemetery. During World War Two, most of the individuals who had been buried in the old Perkins Cemetery were re-interred at the current Perkins Cemetery, when part of Perkins Township was taken over by the United States Government so a munitions factory could be built.

The following article from the March 31, 1941 Cleveland Plain Dealer discusses Perkins Township at the time of the Second World War:

Many House and Young descendants still reside in Erie County today.

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