Thursday, August 27, 2009

Henry Isaac

Henry Isaac is buried at Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. He was born in Marshfield, England on November 10, 1821, and he died on February 2, 1897. An obituary for Mr. Isaac appeared in the February 3, 1897 issue of the Sandusky Register. The article stated:

Henry Isaac, an old and respected citizen of Perkins, passed away Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, at his home. He had been ill three weeks and was aged 75 years. Mr. Isaac was born in Marshfield, Gloucestershire, Engl., and removed to this country with his family about twenty-two years ago, and has since that time resided there. He leaves a wife and five children, one son and four daughters, all grown, to mourn his demise. Two sons preceded him to the better land.

Biographical information about Henry Isaac is found in A STANDARD HISTORY OF ERIE COUNTY, OHIO, by Hewson L. Peeke, in a sketch about his son. It lists the children of Henry Isaac and Susan (Aust) Isaac as: Marian, Henry J., Charles H., Amy Frances, Sarah, and Elizabeth. Henry and Susan's daughter Sarah became the wife of William Hertlein, and they lived on a farm in Erie County.

By searching the name of Henry Isaac in Ancestry Library Edition we find his family listed in the 1871 England Census in Ancestry's UK Census Collection. In 1871, Henry was age 48, and lived in Marshfield, Gloucestershire, England. The other members of his family were:

Susan Isaac, age 42
Mary Isaac, age 13
Henry Isaac, age 11
Charles H. Isaac, age 9
Amy F. Isaac, ate 7
Emily S. Isaac, age 5 (Other sources list her name as Sarah)
Elizabeth Isaac, age 2

In the Immigration Records portion of Ancestry Library Edition, a passenger record is found for the Henry Isaac family. In April of 1873, Henry and his family emigrated to the United States aboard the ship the City of Washington. Other members of the Isaac family who were on the ship were:

Susan Isaac, age 44
Mary, age 14 (in some records she is called Marian)
Henry, age 12
Charles, age 10
Fanny, age 8
Emily, age 6
Eliza, age 3

In 1880, the United States shows the Henry Isaac family living in Perkins Township of Erie County, Ohio. The Isaac names listed in the 1880 Census are:

Henry Isaac, age 50
Susan Isaac. age 50
Sarah Isaac, age 12
Bessie Isaac, age 10

While the exact names and ages of the members of the Henry Isaac family do not always match up perfectly, it is interesting to follow the path of a specific family through genealogical records available online as well as through traditional book and newspaper sources.

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