Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Erastus Cook

From the HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD, CONNECTICUT, by Charles Henry Stanley Davis, we read that Erastus Cook was the son of Asaph and Sarah P. Cook.(Later some family members spelled the surname as Cooke.)

Erastus Cook married Fanny Anderson on November 10, 1826. Erastus Cook was the Postmaster of Sandusky from 1836 to 1841. He died on July 29, 1849,during Sandusky's Cholera epidemic. You can see the name of Erastus Cook on page 61 of the pamphlet Cholera of 1849 and the Opinions of Medical and Other Professional Gentlemen in Regard to its Origin and Proper Treatment, available at the Ohio Memory website. Erastus Cook is buried in the North Monroeville Cemetery.

Erastus Cook was a brother of Eleutheros Cooke, Sandusky's first lawyer. Mr. and Mrs. Erastus Cook were the parents of James, George, and Emma Cook.

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