Saturday, June 20, 2009

Edward J. and Lydia Lockwood

The tombstones of Edward J. and Lydia Lockwood are found near the group camping area of East Harbor State Park in Danbury Township of Ottawa County, Ohio.

Records at Erie County Probate Court list February 17, 1839 as the marriage date of Edward J. Lockwood and Lydia Ramsdell. The book CEMETERY INSCRIPTIONS OF OTTAWA COUNTY, OHIO, provides the dates of death of Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood as:

Edward J. Lockwood, died November 14, 1897
Lydia Lockwood, died May 24, 1890

From the 1840’s through the 1890’s, the land that is now East Harbor State Park was owned by the E. J. Lockwood family. See pages 10 and 11 of the Ohio Department of Natural Resource’s Management Plan for more historical information about East Harbor State Park.

During the summer season, the Lockwood tombstones can be seen very close to campers at the State Park. The shelter house which is located near the pond is called the Lockwood Shelter, in honor of the Lockwood family.

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