Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ambrose Lieb, Stone Cutter

An ornate cross is found at the top of the monument which honors Ambrose Lieb, who died in Sandusky, Ohio on June 2, 1916. According to his death certificate (available at Family Search Labs) Ambrose Lieb was born to Herman Lieb and Elizabeth Gollas in Germany on December 28, 1845. An obituary appeared in the Sandusky Register on June 3 and June 6, 1916.

Ambrose Lieb was "one of the most highly respected citizens of the community." He passed away at his residence on 918 Shelby Street. He had been a resident of Sandusky for almost fifty years, and worked as a stone cutter and mason. Ambrose Lieb was survived by his wife, five sons, four daughters, twenty-one grandchildren, and four sisters, three of whom resided in Germany. The funeral for Ambrose Lieb was held at St. Mary's Church with Rev. Joseph Widman officiating. Burial was in St. Mary's Cemetery.

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