Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Albert and Elnora Nims

According to THE NIMS FAMILY: SEVEN GENERATIONS OF DESCENDANTS FROM GODFREY NIMS, edited by Elizabeth C. Suddaby, Albert A. Nims was born on April 24, 1841 at Parker's Corners, Ohio to Joel B. and Huldah Munn Nims. He married Samantha Elnora Sweet in 1875. Samantha Elnora Sweet was the daughter of Benjamin and Amelia Sweet. She was orphaned at a young ages, and was raised by Rev. W. T. Hart, pastor of the Ridge Congregational Church.

Samantha Elnora Sweet Nims died on September 4, 1908 at Bellevue, Ohio. Albert found her death to be such a shock, that he never fully recovered from the loss and he died nine months later, on May 26, 1909. Both Albert A. and Samantha Elnora Nims are buried at the Strong's Ridge Cemetery in Huron County, Ohio. The name of their young son, Reuben Nims, also appears on their tombstone. Reuben died in 1891 in Bellevue, Ohio.

More information about the Nims Family can be found at the Nims Family Association website.

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