Sunday, June 10, 2012

Henry N. Ritter

Henry N. Ritter was born in 1859, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ritter, natives of Germany. The 1900 U.S. Census for Erie County indicates that Henry's wife was named Emma, and they had two children, Emma and Martin.

On June 18, 1908, Henry Ritter died as a result of a gas explosion in the cellar of the saloon which he owned in Sandusky. Henry was not yet 50 years old at the time of his death, and he was certainly missed by his young family. A military marker from the Spanish American War is found on Henry Ritter's tombstone at Oakland Cemetery. An obituary for Henry N. Ritter appeared in the June 19, 1908 Sandusky Register.

Henry was the nephew of another Sandusky resident named Henry Ritter. The elder Henry Ritter was the owner of a cigar shop in Sandusky. A photograph of the Ritter cigar factory can be seen at the Sandusky History web site.

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