Saturday, December 15, 2012

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Chapman

William Edward Chapman was born in Sandusky in 1844. He was an 1862 graduate of Sandusky High School. His father, William P. Chapman, was an early settler of Sandusky, involved in several business ventures in the city.

In 1872 William E. Chapman married Julia Mills. Julia was the daughter of Judge William Mills, who was a driving force behind Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio. (A very interesting article about a cemetery tour featuring William Mills is found online at the web site of the Yellow Springs Historical Society.) William Mills was the grandnephew of Isaac L. Mills, one of Sandusky's original proprietors.

Mr. and Mrs. Chapman eventually moved to Cleveland with their family, where William was associated with a shipping business. They had three children, Winifred, Margaret, and Mills Chapman. William E. Chapman died in 1925, and Julia Mills Chapman died in 1917. They are buried in Oakland Cemetery in Erie County, Ohio. See Helen Hansen's AT HOME IN EARLY SANDUSKY to read more about the Mills and Chapman families of Sandusky.

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