In the obituary of Thomas Arthur Larkin, he is listed as having three sons. However, my Great Grandma Irene only ever mentioned one, named Jimmy! So who were these three sons?? My mom and I were never sure. After many years have gone by, I found a death record for John Patrick Larkin. Below is the top portion of that death record.
By doing some research on FamilySearch, I was able to solve the mystery. John Patrick Larkin was the son of Thomas Arthur Larkin and his second wife Opal.
James Larkin, the nephew of whom Gram Irene spoke of, was the son of Thomas Arthur Larkin and his first wife Audrey.
Russell, was the son of Opal Larkin from a previous marriage, but the Uncle Art's obituary listed him as a son and not a stepson.
John Patrick Larkin was just an infant when his father died, and I think after the death of Thomas Arthur Larkin, my great grandma lost track of the family.
Though Mom and Gram Irene are gone now, it is wonderful to have the mystery solved!!
Below is some family information about Thomas Arthur Larkin from FamilySearch.org.
Clip art images at top courtesy http://sweetclipart.com/line-art-little-boy-running-1697
Congratulations on finding your missing family!