Inside one of my Mom's family history notebooks is this quote:
"To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die."
My mom, Joyce Parker Orshoski, is in the picture at the left, at her great grandfather's house on Shelby Street in the 1940s. She always told me she heard that quote in the pilot of the Waltons, but I found it attributed to
Thomas Campbell. Mom loved family history, and we often visited cemeteries and had talks about our ancestors, and what life was like in the "good old days."
Recently my niece, who was very close to her Nana O., had this quote tattooed on her leg!
Photo shared with permission
Mom may not have totally understood the tattoo culture of today's young people, but I know
she would have been delighted to be remembered!! Niece Julia lost both her dad and her grandma in the last ten years, but they both truly love on in her heart...and in all of our hearts! Miss you Mom and Matt O.!!
How sweet your niece chose to honor your mom this way. I am old so I am not too sure about the tattoos either, but I know they are "mainstream" these days.