Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Wedding of Nelle Taylor and Carey W. Hord: With Decorations "Suggestive of Spring and the Easter-tide"

In my Great Grandma Ada's scrapbooks of clippings, I recently came across this article about the wedding of Nelle Taylor and Carey W. Hord. Nelle Taylor was my third cousin three times removed. Nelle traces her family tree back to pioneer settler Julia House Taylor, while I descend from Julia's twin brother, Julius House. Julia and Julius were orphaned in Connecticut, and they brought their families to Perkins Township, Erie County, Ohio by oxen train in 1815.

Nelle Taylor and Carey W. Hord were married on March 25, 1909, in Perkins Township. The newspaper article that was in my great grandmother's scrapbook read:

A pretty romance that had its inception when both young people were students at Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, culminated Thursday noon in the marriage of Miss Nelle Elizabeth Taylor, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.B. Taylor, and Mr. Carey W. Hord. The wedding was a beautifully appointed affair at the country home of the bride's parents, in Perkins, and was solemnized by the Rev. Mr. F.A. Hinman of the Perkins church. Guests were limited to the immediate family connections of the bridal couple and although quietly celebrated, every detail was charmingly arranged.

The whole effect of the decorations of the spacious apartments were suggestive of spring, and the Easter-tide. A profusion of southern smilax was used with white blossoms in outlining the doorways, staircase and in graceful festoonings, and palms, ferns quantities of the stately Easter lilies were otherwise disposed about the rooms. The parlor, chosen as the setting of the ceremony, was particularly attractive. Southern smilax mingled with valley lilies, formed handsome festoonings and on one side of the prettily decorated apartment was arranged a lovely altar of palms and lilies.

The bride entered on the arm of her father, who gave her in marriage. She was very lovely in her wedding gown, an exquisite maltese lace robe fashioned over luminous white satin, and her bouquet was a shower of valley lilies. There were no formal attendants. 

Directly after the service an elaborate wedding breakfast was served. Covers were laid for fifteen at a table prettily adorned with greenery and lilies. Mr. Hord has been connected with the offices of the American Crayon Co. for some time past. He was a former student of Cornell University at Ithaca, N.Y., and later at Ohio Wesleyan University where he met his bride, who was pursuing her musical studies in the conservatory at that institution. Both have congratulations of scores of Sanduskians.

Mr. and Mrs. Hord will leave late Thursday afternoon on an extended wedding trip, touring cities in the east. After June 1st they will be at their handsome new home at No. 525 Wayne street. Among the out0of-town guests her for the wedding were the groom's mother, Mrs. Martha Hord, of Marion, and his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Payton Hord, of Pittsburg.

Nelle and Carey Hord were married for several years. Carey W. Hord died in January, 1941, and he was buried at Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery.

Mrs. Nelle Hord passed away in December, 1967, after a lengthy illness. Funeral services for Nelle were held at the Presbyterian Church in Sandusky, and burial was at Oakland Cemetery. Mrs. Nelle Taylor Hord was survived by one son, Burton Hord, two nieces, a nephew, and several cousins.

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