Thursday, July 3, 2014

John Brokely, Civil War Veteran

John Brokely is buried in Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. The inscription on his tombstone reads:

John Brokely
24th Reg. O.V.I.
Born in Switzerland
About 1842
Died in the service of
his adopted country
July 3, 1862
At Athens, Ala.

A Bible verse at the bottom of John Brokely's tombstone reads:

God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes

According to History of the Firelands, Comprising Huron and Erie Counties, Ohio, by W.W. Williams (Leader Printing Co., 1879), John Brokely was in Company C of the 24th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. This regiment was organized at Sandusky, Ohio. Though Mr. Brokely's tombstone lists his death date as July 3, 1862, the History of the Firelands lists his death date as July 4, 1862.

Thank you for your service to your country, John Brokely!

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