Sunday, June 1, 2014

Sentimental Sunday: Note pad from Famous Supply

This sheet of paper from an old Famous Supply notepad reminds me of my life in Bay View, on Martin's Point Road, where I lived from age 5 until 21. For most of those years, my dad, Paul R. Orshoski, Sr., worked as a plumber and pipe fitter. Dad often stopped at Famous Supply in Sandusky, Ohio,  to get parts for work. He got to know the district manager, Thad, very well. My brother even got a job at Famous Supply. The note pad was the "go to" spot for writing phone messages, grocery lists, Sunday School notes, and to do lists. I cannot remember a day at the old family house in Bay View that I didn't see one of these note pads. Thad and Dad and Mom are all gone now, but this note paper from Famous Supply, with the"F" forming a wrench, brings back many happy memories!

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