Friday, May 2, 2014

Fun and Learning at GenEx2014

This week I have been enjoying the many sessions at the 2014 Annual Conference of the Ohio Genealogical Society, known as GenEx2014. The conference is being held at Kalahari in Sandusky, Ohio, and has plenty of room for the several hundred attendees.

Everywhere you look, the Kalahari Convention Center is decorated in an African motif. The sessions are led by "Safari Guides" as we are on the hunt for ancestors.

So far, I have met many genealogists, bloggers, authors, vendors, and librarians, all who have a passion to learn more about genealogy. I have learned of many new resources to dig into soon, in search of even more answers to family tree puzzles. This morning I was even able to snap a picture of one of my "Genea-Heroes," Thomas MacEntee!

Thomas gave us inspiration to tell and record our stories. If you ever get a chance to hear a lecture by Thomas MacEntee, he is funny, inspiring, and so knowledgeable in genealogy and social media!

Thanks so much to the Ohio Genealogical Society, for bringing such a fabulous conference to my home county!

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