Thursday, October 24, 2013

Verena Schmidlin, 1821-1887

The tombstone of Verena Schmidlin is found at Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. The inscription on her tombstone states that Verena was born on July 1, 1821 in the Canton of Clarus in Switzerland. She was the wife of Mathias Schmidlin, and she died on October 24, 1887. To date I have not found many details about Verena Schmidlin.  In the Ohio County Marriages database, a part of FamilySearch, we learn that a Verona Blumer married Mathias Schmidlin in Lucas County, Ohio on March 13, 1857. In the 1873 Sandusky City Directory, Matthias Schmitling was listed as a carpet weaver who resided on the north side of Neil Street, west of Wayne Street. Verona’s name appears as Frona Schmitting in the 1880 U.S. Census. At that time she was living by herself on Neil Street, and her occupation was housekeeper. In the1886 Sandusky City Directory, Verena Schmiedling was listed as a widow, residing at 625 Neil Street. As often is the case in 18th century records, Verena's name appears with a variety of spellings of both her first and last name.  Rest in peace Verena.

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