Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Finding Parker Family Members at FindaGrave

Today I was trying to sort out my Parker ancestors, catching up on my genealogical database. (I am SO behind...maybe when I retire I can devote more time to this task?) I was zooming in on Reuben Parker and his wife, the former Mary Elizabeth Roe. It was such a blessing to find an actual picture of them on FindaGrave! Here is a screenshot of the FindaGrave entry for Reuben Parker, who was the granduncle of my great grandfather Leroy Joshua Parker.

Here is a screenshot of the FindaGrave entry for Mary Elizabeth (Roe)  Parker, who was the wife of the granduncle of my great grandfather Leroy Joshua Parker.

Thanks so much to Greentree for your posts at FindaGrave, and for helping me to put a face with some of my Parker family members!

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