Monday, September 30, 2013

John H. Batcheldor: "Farewell my wife and children all..."

This tombstone, which now lies flat against the ground, is found at Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. Not much is known about John H. Batcheldor. In the 1870 U.S. Census, his name is listed as "J. H. Bacheldorf." He was age 27, and listed his birthplace as Canada.  Mrs. Batcheldor,  listed only as "E," was 25.  (Death records of her sons indicate that Mrs. Bacheldor's maiden name was Elizabeth Krebs.) Mr. and Mrs. John H. Batcheldor had two young sons in 1870, William, age 5, and John, age 2. Tragically, John H. Batcheldor died in an accident on September 30, 1873. John was injured while working at the Woolworth's Handle Factory. A piece of machinery at the factory malfunctioned, and Mr. Batcheldor was struck forcefully by a piece of the machinery. He died several hours after being injured. An obituary found in the October 3, 1873  issue of the Sandusky Daily Register read:

"The young man, John Batcheldor's funeral took place from his residence on Jackson Street, yesterday afternoon and was attended by a large concourse of mourners and friends, including all of his fellow workmen. Woolworth's entire establishment was closed during the afternoon, in respect to the deceased, who by industrious and temperate habits had endeared himself to all his friends and acquaintances. As the funeral cortege moved slowly to the last resting place of him, who a few brief days ago was buoyant with the health and vigor of a young manhood  the scriptural admonition. 'In the midst of life we are in death,' was vividly brought to mind. The management of the factory deserve credit for the kindness displayed closing the establishment, and for attending the funeral."

The inscription on the tombstone of John H. Batcheldor reads:

Farewell my wife and children all
From you a father Christ doth call.
Mourn not for me, it is in vain,
To call me to your sight again.

1 comment:

  1. I love the old tombstones with epitaphs written on them. They are sometimes little gems of wisdom.
