Saturday, April 20, 2013

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: Childhood Memory

Randy, at Genea-Musings has given us this challenge for tonight's edition of Saturday Night Genealogy Fun:

1) Have you written your memoirs yet? If so, please share with us one story from your childhood. If not, then start your memoirs! The story could be a memory of your family life, your schoolwork, your neighborhood, etc. It doesn't have to be a certain length - just something you recall.

 2) Tell us about it in your own blog post, in a comment to this blog post, or in a post on Facebook or Google Plus.
 Here is one of my fondest childhood memories:


In 1959, my mother packed up her four children, and we drove from Erie County, Ohio, to the farm of Clifford and Leona Lindsley in Sandusky County, Ohio. We played with the kittens, made tunnels in the hay loft, jumped off the sides of the spring house, and enjoyed our visit to the farm. On the way to the farm, outside of Bellevue, Ohio, we would enjoy the hills on Route 269, and could hardly wait to see what adventures would await us during our visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lindsley were neighbors of my Parker ancestors, all of whom had prosperous farms in Perkins Township, Ohio for many years. In 1941, after the U.S. Army bought out a large section of land in Perkins Township for a munitions factory for the war effort, the Parker and Lindsley families had to re-locate. My great grandparents, Leroy and Ada Parker, moved to Sandusky, Ohio into an apartment, and continued to work at Cedar Point during the summers. Cliff and Leona Lindsley moved to a farm in Sandusky, County. The families whose farms were bought out stayed in touch, and had annual "Old Neighbors" picnics every summer.

While I never lived on a farm, so many of my ancestors before me did. Going to see "Uncle Cliff" and "Aunt Leona" at their lovely farm helped me to get a sense of what being a child on a farm would have been like. Those memories are so precious to me!  

(Note: This memory appeared in a previous blog post at Graveyard Rabbit of Sandusky Bay.)

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