Monday, December 17, 2012

Military Monday: First Sergeant Alfred W. House

Alfred W. House was the son of Selah and Mary House, born in Perkins Township on April 18, 1839. He served as First Sergeant in Company B of the 176th Ohio Infantry during the Civil War. On December 18, 1864, Sergeant Alfred W. House died in the hospital at Nashville, Tennessee. His name appeared with the names of several other officers in his unit in HISTORY OF THE FIRE LANDS, by W. W. Williams (Leader Printing Co., 1879).

The remains of Sergeant House were returned to Ohio. He was laid to rest in the old Perkins Cemetery. An inscription on the tombstone of Alfred W. House reads:

 "Soldier rest thy warfare o'er 
Sleep the sleep that knows no breaking 
Dream of battle fields no more 
Morn or toil, or night of waking."

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