Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Great Grandma Yeager Had Ties to St. John's Lutheran Church at Union Corners

In the April 25, 1928 issue of the Sandusky Star Journal, is the following brief article:

Ladies' Missionary Society of St.
John's Lutheran church, Union
Corners, will meet at the home of
Mrs. Andrew Yeager. Officers for
the coming year will be elected at
this time.

My great grandparents, Andrew and Lena Yeager were very active in the congregation of St. John's Lutheran Church, located in a rural area of Erie County, near the spot where Milan, Oxford, Huron and Perkins Townships meet, known as Union Corners.  In their later years, Grandma and Grandpa Yeager attended Zion Lutheran Church in Huron, Ohio. The Yeager children were all baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith, and several members of the Yeager family were buried in the Union Corners Cemetery, just off Route 250, between Sandusky and Milan. 

Click here to read about the rich history of the St. John's Lutheran Church. Many of the earliest members of this congregation were German-Americans. Every time I drive by St. John's Lutheran Church, I recall spending time with Great Grandma Yeager. She was under five feet tall, and had a gentle spirit. She was wise in so many ways, and I wish I had asked her more questions about her days as a young mother.

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